[Corpora-List] DKPro Core 1.4.0 released

Torsten Zesch zesch at ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Oct 23 15:21:43 UTC 2012

We are pleased to announce the release of DKPro Core 1.4.0 - a collection of software components for natural language processing
(NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.


This is the first release on Maven Central.
DKPro Core can now be used easier than ever without any need for a special Maven configuration!

New modules in this release of DKPro Core:

* OpenNLP parser, POS tagger and tokenizers (ASL)
* MaltParser dependency parser (ASL)
* MeCab part-of-speech tagger for Japanese (ASL)
* Berkeley parser (GPL)
* GATE lemmatizer (GPL)
* Binary CAS (de)serialization (ASL)
* Generic JDBC reader (ASL)

Further highlights in this release are:

* New infrastructure and parameters for loading models and configuring
  type mapping.
* New versioning scheme for models and standardized model artifact names.
* Changed various parameters in all components to follow a common
  naming scheme.
* Added support to print tagset information when a model is loaded in
  most components
* Added various new and updated mappings for POS tags (Chinese, English,
  Estonian, French, German, ...).
* Added modules to support unit tests and to measure performance
* Fixed problems with paths containing spaces and paths on Windows systems
* Added support for POS mapping in various readers
* ... and many more updates and improvements in various modules!

For a more complete overview see:


DKPro Core consists of a number of pre-processing components for NLP tasks, often wrapping existing libraries or tools for easy use in an UIMA pipeline.

* tokenization/segmentation
* compound splitting
* stemming
* part-of-speech tagging
* lemmatization
* parsing
* named entity recognition
* coreference resolution
* language identification
* spelling correction
* grammar checking
* support for various data types

A basic UIMA type system is provided with which all of the components work out-of-the-box. Some components can be configured for use with other type systems.

DKPro Core builds heavily on uimaFIT, making use of features such as injection of configuration parameters and automatic type detection.
Because using DKPro in Java code with uimaFIT is so easy, we do not provide traditional UIMA XML descriptors for our analysis engines, readers and consumers - only for the type systems.
We offer two sets of components with DKPro Core:

* DKPro Core ASL provides components under the Apache Software License 2.0
* DKPro Core GPL provides components under the GNU Public License 3.0

DKPro Core is meant to be used with Apache Maven. The main components are hosted on Maven Central while distributable models are downloaded automatically from our public Maven repository. 

This project was initiated by the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab
(UKP) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych. All former and current member of the UKP Lab have contributed in code, as testers or in spirit to this project. It constitutes an essential cornerstone for our research environment at the UKP Lab.

DKPro Core requires Java 1.6, UIMA 2.4.0 and uimaFIT 1.4.0 (amongst other component-specific dependencies).

An introduction to DKPro Core can be found at


Please direct any questions or suggestions to

dkpro-core-user at googlegroups.com

On behalf of the whole DKPro developer team,

Dr. Torsten Zesch
Senior Researcher
UKP Lab, Web Research Darmstadt (WeRC)
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Hochschulstr. 10, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
phone [+49] (0)6151 16-5420, fax -5455, room S2/02/B107
zesch at ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de www.werc.tu-darmstadt.de

Associated Researcher
German Institute for International Educational Research

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