Critical Discourse Studies

Carmen R. Caldas-Coulthard C.R.Caldas-Coulthard at BHAM.AC.UK
Wed Dec 3 10:55:04 UTC 2003

Critical Discourse Studies is an interdisciplinary and international journal for the social sciences published by Routledge. The first issue is due in June, 2004. The journal's primary aim is to publish critical research that advances our understanding of how discourse figures in social processes, social structures, and social change. (see   for further details).

        The editors are Ruth Wodak, Norman Fairclough, Jay Lemke and Phil Graham. Ryan Conlon is in charge of the book reviews section and I am the Debate and Correspondence editor. 
I invite short contributions (up to 1.500 words) for this section of the journal.
We are interested in opening discussion and debate on such topics as:

        *       the different interpretations of what "critical" means in relation to Critical Discourse Studies;
        *       the appropriate way to integrate scholarly research with critical political commitment;
        *       the question of whether  discourse analysis is viable without detailed textual analysis;
        *       views on methodological issues;
        *       views on  CDS and interdisciplinarity/  transdisciplinarity/ postdisciplinarity; the war; teaching practices; applications to social life - the press, language policies, education, etc; representation, identity formation,  gender, visual culture and multimodality.
We are interested in having both responses to some of the issues posted in this section and discussions of papers published in the journal or elsewhere.
A sequence of collaborative two-party email interactions on central issues is one of the suggested formats that we want to encourage.
There will also be space for reports on international research projects, new academic courses and Ph. D. Theses that are overtly concerned with critical issues.

Please send your thoughts, ideas and reports to
 CDS Debate and Correspondence Editor
 Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard, University of Birmingham
 c.r.caldas-coulthard at
 debates at

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