DeXus 1.1: Discourse Studies summer school - Second call

Paul McIlvenny paul at SPROG.AUC.DK
Wed Jun 4 14:05:38 UTC 2003

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         ****** SECOND CALL ******

        DeXus - Discourse Nexus 1.1 
        An international discourse studies summer school 

          Invited guests: 
     Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard, University of Birmingham
     Rick Iedema, The University of New South Wales
     Jay Lemke, University of Michigan 
     Stef Slembrouck, Ghent University

        18th - 23rd August, 2003

       Centre for Discourse Studies
    Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

                Web site:

         Registration deadline:
             30th June, 2003

DeXus is the name given to the Discourse Nexus alternative summer school
for discourse studies to be held yearly in the Centre for Discourse
Studies at Aalborg University. This year it will take place for the first
time in August 2003. DeXus will focus on innovative research in discourse
studies and its application to a variety of settings and data sets, using
a mixture of lectures, workshops, group work and discussion sessions. 

Workshops will be held on the following topics: 
 - Discourse analysis and institutional ethnography
 - Multimodal discourse and web site analysis
 - Emergent textualities and critical hypermedia analysis
 - The professionalisation and personalisation of public discourse

The summer school is international and open to all scholars, researchers,
PhD and graduate students. 

For more academic information, see the web site or contact the organisers:
       Paul McIlvenny <paul at>
    or Pirkko Raudaskoski <pirkko at>

The participation fee is 1800 Danish kroner (240 euro), which covers
administrative costs, tea/coffee and lunches every working day, and one
evening drinks reception (Monday) and one evening dinner (Thursday).  More
information on the DeXus web site.

Please register online at 
The deadline for registration is extended to 30th June 2003. Fee payment
deadline is 15th July 2003.

Location, travel and accommodation information is available on the web
site. Travel and accommodation is the responsibility of the participant.

For practical information contact the DeXus secretariat at
<dexus at>.

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