queer gossip, queering, and outing

Joshua Wright joshua.p.wright at YALE.EDU
Tue Mar 9 16:38:10 UTC 1999

I'm an undergrad at Yale University doing a project on queer gossip.  One
of the things that interests me is that much of it involves
speculation about the sexual orientations of others, and how those
orientations are perceived and acknowledged by the persons under
discussion or those who know them (for example, there is a lot of talk
about who has or has not "come out" and to whom).  I've been
looking through Hall and Livia's _Queerly Phrased_, Haviland's _Gossip,
Reputation, and Knowledge in Zinacantan_, and Johnson and Meinhof's
_Language and Masculinity_.  Can anyone suggest any other relevant
sources, especially those pertaining to the phenomena of queering,
outing, or coming out?

Many thanks,
Joshua Wright

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