Announcing a new listserv...

Seth L. Kahn-Egan slkahneg at MAILBOX.SYR.EDU
Mon Sep 13 17:14:43 UTC 1999

Apologies for cross-postings (as opposed to cross postings)--

Announcing a new listserv sponsored by NCTE:

Gradtalk is intented as a forum for graduate students in
composition and rhetoric or related fields to network and discuss issues
relating to courses, scholarship, teaching, and professional development.
Possible topics include:  conference submissions/collaborations; sharing
of resources; labor issues; directions in composition/rhetoric theory and
pedagogy; etc.

Subscriptions:  Open to any graduate student in composition, rhetoric, or
related fields
Send email to majordomo at and in the first line of the note
put: subscribe gradtalk

You'll receive an acknowledgement message and a message asking you to
confirm your subscription request. Reply to the confirmation message (or
forward it to majordomo at including the line with the
authentication code (begins with 'auth' followed by some randomish
characters). Delete everything else, including signature lines and any
characters (like '>') introduced by your mail program in quoting original
texts when replying.

Report problems subscribing or unsubscribing to listmgr at

Seth Kahn-Egan
Syracuse University
PhD Student in Composition and Cultural Rhetoric
slkahneg at
109 Concorde Pl.
Syracuse, NY 13210
315-474-9679 (home)
"While there is a lower class, I am in it.  While there is a criminal
element, I am of it.  While there is a soul in prison, I am not
free."--Eugene V. Debs

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