[Edling] Winter School 2018 on Language Policy in Multilingual Contexts – Methodological Approaches 5–9 February 2018

Francis Hult francis.hult at englund.lu.se
Thu Nov 16 14:27:28 UTC 2017

MultiLing Winter School 2018

Language Policy in Multilingual Contexts –

Methodological Approaches

5–9 February 2018

University of Oslo
Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan

Oslo, Norway

Language policy and planning (LPP) as a discipline was initially developed as a part of sociolinguistics and language-in-society studies and emerged as a field of study in the 1960s (Kaplan, Baldauf, Liddicoat, Bryant, Barbaux, & Pütz 2000). Wright (2004) outlines how LPP after WWII, as a result of decolonisation, moved from being primarily an integral part of nation building to a subject of academic enquiry. The structuralist era after WWII laid the foundations of what was to characterise LPP until the critical turn in the social sciences and humanities in the 1970s. Language was seen as a static and delimited entity, an object which could be captured, codified and thus standardised.  Key concepts in linguistics such as mother tongue, speech community, native speaker, linguistic competence and even the term language itself was questioned compelling researchers to take on a critical approach to language policy, underscoring issues of power, identity and highlighting that language policies, though influencing practice, are also deeply embedded in practice (Lane 2014; Hult 2017).

Language policy may be implicit in the language practices of a community, or compelled by the ideology of a society, or specifically mandated in the activities of an authorized language management agency (King & Shohamy 2002; Spolsky 2009; Barakos & Unger 2016). Language policy may take place on many different levels—both formally through policy making and informally, though language socialisation and practices. Language policy may be seen as an evolving phenomenon shaped and reshaped by discursive practices, which in turn are embedded in the multiple contextual and semiotic resources available in specific social activities and environments (Blommaert et al. 2010). Thus, there is interplay between formal and informal aspects of language policy; social actors are influenced by language policies, which in turn are shaped and challenged by social actors.

In recent research on language policy, an increasing number of researchers use ethnographic and discourse-analytic methods to examine language policy processes as practices, with a focus on how policy texts, ideologies and discourses relate to language practices in schools, families, communities and private businesses (McCarty 2011; Smith-Christmas 2016; Gonçalves & Schluter 2016; King & Lanza 2017). In order to do this, researchers draw on methods from a range of fields (Hult & Johnson 2015), and therefore, the goal of the Winter School is to introduce and evaluate key qualitative methods and introduce and discuss central concepts in the field of language policy, with a particular emphasis on studies in multilingual settings.

All applicants are kindly asked to submit (together with their application) a 250-word description of the data and method(s) that they would like to present for discussion during the course. The students will be asked to give a short presentation introducing a methodological challenge they have encountered and discussing it in the light of relevant publications on the reading list for the course.

* Cassie Smith-Christmas (University of Limerick)

* Francis M. Hult (Lund University)

* Kellie Gonçalves (University of Oslo; MultiLing)

* Pia Lane (University of Oslo; MultiLing)

The participants must be enrolled in a PhD program in linguistics or a related field of study. There is no course fee, but participants will have to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

The registration deadline is December 15. The registration form can be found here:

URL: http://www.hf.uio.no/multiling/english/news-and-events/events/phd-seminars/2018/multiling-winter-school-2018/index.html



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