LSA Committee on Endangered Languages and their Preservation

Tom Priestly tom.priestly at
Tue Jan 14 05:07:04 UTC 1997

 A copy of the proceedings of
 >our meeting (long) is available from me on request to anyone, whether or
 >not you are
 >an LSA member.
   Also, let me know if you want to be on our mailing list.

   ---> Yes please to both the above.
   Tom Priestly

   *  Tom Priestly
   *  (President, Society for Slovene Studies)
   *  Modern Languages and Comparative Studies
   *  University of Alberta
   *  Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E6

   *  telephone:   403 - 492 - 4219
   *  fax:                403 - 492 - 2715

   *  email:           tom.priestly at

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