No subject

Jordan Bigio j-bigio at
Mon Aug 25 15:08:41 UTC 2003

Here is the solution to setup the fORP by Current Designs with Eprime. Do
this if you DO NOT want to write advanced script in Ebasic:
1) Install a program application called "ckubed". I can send a zip file to
anyone that thinks they need this. Click on the Setup icon with the
computer, and set it up and install. A cinch. Put it in Program Files or
somewhere like that.
2) Modify Eprime experiments:
-Add 'Serial device' and 'Port device' to the experiment objects. UNcheck
the serial and CHECK the port. Note: double click port and put in the
address (this can be found under Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device
Manager, Ports, Com1, Resources tab, I/O range setting...this should be the
address.) Ex. mine is 03F8, so enter '&H03F8' in address under the port device.
-Add the 'port device' to the duration/input 'Input Masks' and check it.
Add whatever allowable input you want and for whatever duration and end
result. The port device should be added to whatever object you need to
collect data (where the SRBox would have been added). Ex. In mine, I log to
the target, so I added it to the target and subsequent fixation object,
only logging data to the target with time audit on the fixation. Thus,
allowing a response for the full target and fixation objects, but RT being
logged from the start of the target.
-Also, add to whatever object you use to start the experiment (ie. the
instructions or equivalent).
3) When ready to run the exp., run ckubed (it will be an American flag
icon). It can be accessed from the start menu, "Ckubed Basic Terminal
Program" or the ckubed folder, "cox_term". It is essentially a Creative
Communication Terminal Emulator.
-Click on Comm Port, connect.
-Select Display, Format, Raw ASCII.
-Now Eprime is interpreting input from the fORP as 1-blue, 2-yellow,
3-green, 4-red, and 5 as a scanner pulse.
4)Now just run your experiment. If all the parameters are right, and all
the hookups are correct, you should be in business. This really takes no
time at all (compared to writing script)!

Credit to Steve Higgins from UPenn for providing me with ckubed and a lot
of info.


Jordan D. Bigio, B.A.
Project Coordinator
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northwestern University
2240 N. Campus Dr., Frances Searle Building, Rm. 2-342
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: 847-491-3647

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