Reading in stimuli from a file

Jordan Bigio j-bigio at
Tue Jul 6 15:28:52 UTC 2004

Make a TrialList with nested lists under it. You'll have 4 different lists
of words and the TrialList will order them to whatever you specify. Random
or sequential. Then, in each of your 4 lists, you can have them randomized
or sequential within each list as well. You can also use the same idea to
list and order Procs and stuff. Hope this helps.


At 10:44 PM 7/5/2004 -0400, Harvey Shulman wrote:
>I have an experiment that involves presenting single words on the
>screen.  They are presently entered in one of the columns in a table
>structure and everything works fine.  But I have had to construct 4
>versions of the program to accomodate the use of 4 different lists of
>words.   I would prefer to use one version of the program and read
>whichever  word list I need (keyed on the subject number) into the table
>data structure so that Eprime could apply properties such as randomization
>to them.    I can't see how to do that in Eprime.   Can it be done ?
>Harvey Shulman
>Ohiuo State University
>Department of Psychology

Jordan D. Bigio, B.A.
Project Coordinator
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Northwestern University
2240 N. Campus Dr., Frances Searle Building, Rm. 2-342
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: 847-491-3647

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