multiple (serial) correct answers

Wendy Davidson wendy_davidson79 at
Tue Jun 13 10:18:29 UTC 2006

Hi everyone,
I have a query and was hoping someone could help.

I have designed an experiment in which the subject sees a stimulus (arrows 
pointing in different directions in sequence) they then have to use the 
mouse to click corresponding areas on the screen in the correct serial order 
as the original presentation. There can be up to 8 possible locations. I 
have used a slide with 8 areas i.e. "Image1" that they have to click on.

The script below works for only 1 location. How can I add more correct 
responses AND in serial order?

Mouse.ShowCursor True
Dim theState as SlideState
Set theState = Slide1.States ("State1")

Dim ptMouse As Point
Dim strHit As String

Mouse.GetCursorPos ptMouse.x, ptMouse.y
strHit = theState.HitTest(ptMouse.x, ptMouse.y)

If strHit = "Image1" Then

    Results.Text = "Correct!"
     Slide1.ACC = 1
     Results.Text = "Incorrect."
     Slide1.ACC = 0
End If

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