multiple response logging

Listserv Administrator listman at
Wed Sep 13 19:10:24 UTC 2006

>Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 16:44:05 -0400
>From: "KP Thai" <kpthai at>
>Subject: multiple response logging

Hi Mr. MacWhinney,

My experiment includes showing an image for 30 seconds, and participants are
to press 2 keys ("a" and "l"), one key at a time or both keys at the same
time, during that time frame as they are viewing the image. I'm trying to
log which key(s) is/are pressed (one or both), when the key(s) are pressed,
the duration of each press, and the time delay between each key(s) press. Do
you know how I can go about doing that in E-Prime? In another study, we used
a similar paradigm where participants used continuous mouse clicks as they
were viewing images on the computer screen. Is there a way to convert that
paradigm to use with key presses? I've copied and pasted the inline script
of the previous mouse click paradigm below if that helps.

Dim ptMouse as point

Dim StartTime as Double
Dim EndTime as Double

StartTime = Clock.Read
EndTime = Clock.Read + 2600

Dim counter as integer
counter = 1

Do While Clock.Read < EndTime
    Mouse.GetCursorPos ptMouse.x, ptMouse.y
    c.SetAttrib "XTracked" & counter, ptMouse.x
    c.SetAttrib "YTracked"& counter, ptmouse.y

    counter = counter + 1
    Sleep 100

Thanks very much,

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