Sending triggers for targets and responses from E-prime

berserker-ulf jan.p.zeller at
Tue Apr 22 12:37:51 UTC 2008


I’m new to E-prime, and I hope somebody can help me with this problem:
I tried to run an experiment where three different tones are used as
targets. Every time a tone is emitted, I want E-prime to send a
trigger to another computer. I used the following script, but it only
sends a trigger the first time the tone appears and not in the
following instances:

Dim someCode as integer
someCode = CInt (c.GetAttrib ("triggercode"))
Ton.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
Ton.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
Ton.OnsetSignalData = someCode
Ton.OffsetSignalEnabled = True
Ton.OffsetSignalPort = &H378
Ton.OffsetSignalData = someCode

My second question: How can I send triggers for responses (in this
experiment it’s mouse button clicks)?


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