Using E-Prime V2 across Ethernet?

Andrews, A.S. tony.andrews at
Tue Oct 28 13:45:59 UTC 2008

**apologies if this double-posts due to a confusion over email


Does anyone have experience of using Ethernet to allow several PCs to
communicate in E-Prime?

I've done it before using serial. There were 7 PCs with the output of
one serial port connected to the input of the next in a ring: Up to 6
subject stations plus a 7th 'server' to collate the data passed around
like a token between the others.

What I now need to do is have five 'pairs' communicate, with a server
PC configuring each client at the start of each run. It will decide
which of the 10 PCs will work in pairs for that run and collect
results at the end.

I could probably do this with a longer serial lead and some lateral
thinking, but I think Ethernet is probably the way to go.

What little I've found on the forum suggests that the Socket device
works in the same way as the serial device but only as a client, so
that doesn't help much.

Thanks in advance,

Tony Andrews
Principal Computer Officer
School of Psychology
University of Leicester.

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