Need help with slide (sound/image) lag

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Feb 24 20:47:16 UTC 2009


OK, first just checking our assumptions before we look further...

>SlideSoundOut Object:
>Buffer mode: Streaming (the files are quite small, usually about 1
>second long,

OK, but how many KB are the sound files?  How many channels (mono or 
stereo?), how many samples/sec, and how many bits/sample?

Also, how many KB is your fixation .jpg file?  What is its resolution 
(pixels width and height), its color bit depth, and its compression ratio?

And why use a .jpg for the fixation instead of just a text "+"?

Finally, you didn't say but if you are using EP2 then you do well to 
stick to XP, as PST does not yet have EP2 sound & video working 
reliably under Vista (as attested in several other list & forum 
messages).  Usually everything still works well under XP though.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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