Can you do attribute referencing with colon notation for objects within slides?

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Mon Jul 6 18:44:58 UTC 2009


I tried and could not get this error to happen for me.  If it were 
me, at this point I would look *very* carefully at *exactly* what I 
typed in to the Filename field, and try typing it in fresh, maybe 
even delete the object and start over.  When this sort of thing 
happens to me I almost always find that I just mistyped something 
that my eyes automatically look over, sometimes it's even a 
non-printable character that gets stuck in there.  If find your 
example particulary odd because with that quote mark before the 
c.GetAttrib, i.e., you say the script comes out as

DemoSlide_SoundBuffer.Filename = "c.GetAttrib("Reference"

but I cannot imagine any way of getting E-Prime to put that initial 
quote mark there.

Finally, if you really get stuck you might have better luck with PST 
Web Support at .

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

>I ask the question in the subject line because I have tried 
>attribute referencing with different objects and can't seem to get it to work.
>I have slides with sounds that reference the attribute 
>"Reference:0", so it reads as [Reference:0] under filename for a soundout.
>Yet, everytime I try to run the program, it reads "The following 
>error was found while attempting to compile the E-Basic script. 
>Encountered: <identifier> Expecting: end of line."
>Under the line that it's referencing, it reads: 
>DemoSlide_SoundBuffer.Filename = "c.GetAttrib("Reference"
>...when the syntax should be something like ... = c.GetAttrib("Reference:0")
>Strangely, the compilation seems to work just fine without colon 
>notation. Does anybody know why this might be?

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