JPEG image problem: Slice of JPEG image remains on subsequent screen

liwenna liwenna at
Tue Feb 16 23:02:30 UTC 2010

Hey Jen,

Somehow your display screen is not completely cleard out by the probe
screen. Check whether your probedisplay is completely 'opaque' (see
for instance the backgroundcolour setting on 'default' (the
'background of your slide'). Is it possible that you have two
imageobjects for the probe (left and right) and only one filled out on
every trial? And that thus the location on the other imageobject is
not 'filled with something' and hence showing part of the previous
slide?. There is also this clearafter function that you could toggel
to yes on the properties on the stimulusslide.

As for the pixel distance... I guess you'll have to do the math by
hand... if you set x of the rightsided stimuluspicture to say.... 960
pixels and the left sided stimuluspicture to 320 then the midlines of
the pictures will be 640 pixels apart.... if your images are for
instance... 400 pixels wide then that means that the distance between
the inner edges is 240 pixels (as there is 1/2 x 400 = 200 pixels on
both innersides of the pictures measured from the midline of the
pictures which are located at the values of x).

Hope this helps somewhat....


On Feb 16, 10:25 pm, Jen Keller <kell... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having a problem with the JPEG images in my Eprime experiment.
> Our study format includes a screen which presents 2 target photos, the
> target photos then disappear and are replaced by a probe on the next
> screen (in our study an x). Both photos should be completely absent
> from the probe screen, however a slice of one of the picture remains
> on either the left of right side of the screen (whichever side the
> probe isn't on). Does anyone know why a portion of the picture is
> carrying over to the next screen, and how can we eliminate it?
> Additionally, we know how to set the pixel size for the jpeg photos,
> and we are wondering if there is a way to set the pixels for the
> distance between the two pictures.
> Thanks much.
> -Jen

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