Black screen?

liwenna liwenna at
Tue Jan 12 15:03:14 UTC 2010

Hello everyone!

Several months ago I heard from a colleague that she has problems with
e-prime 'blackscreening' during data-acquisition. The program just
seemed to stall and shows a black screen. It needs to be forced closed
when this happens.It had happened to her quite a few times. I tried to
replicate this phenomenon using her e-studio files but failed. She had
a really complex set-up with 10 or so procedures and I ended up
blaming the complexity.

However: my students have by now reported two similar incidents on a
different computer in a different lab with two different experiments
that are not as complicated as my colleagues experiment was. While I
write this down I do realize that both experiments interact with .txt
files 'outside' the program but I don't think that was the case on my
colleagues' experiment. Inconveniently, my students on both incidents
restarted the experiment and have overwritten the   .txt files so I
have no idea on what/where/when it happened. Then again: my colleague
back then had stored the .txt files and they didn't gave me any clues
as to what was going on.

I don't like this, as you can guess, and I am trying to get an idea of
what this could be....

Does anyone have any similar experiences or any smart thoughts?


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