Multiple responses and Accuracy logging

River ll356 at
Fri May 7 10:18:22 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I couldn't find any info about this anywhere (probably I've just
missed it) but thought I'd put it out there in case anyone else was
having the same problem.

FYI when you set up your experiment to collect multiple responses
(e.g. multiple key presses during a trial)  the RT and RTTime are
logged for the last response. HOWEVER this is not true for accuracy.
If multiple responses have been made during a trial these will all be
logged in the RESP column (e.g. 1134) and will be compared to what you
list as the correct response to that trial. Typically the experimenter
specified correct response is a single key press, therefore if
multiple responses have been made, regardless of whether or not the
last response made was the correct response, accuracy will be logged
as 0.

The script for collecting the individual details for multiple
responses during a trial (RT, RTTime, accuracy) is on the PST site,
under the samples tab. If you want EPrime to look at all the responses
made during a trial and see if the correct answer was made at any
point and what the RT, RTTime details were for it try using this
script (i plugged it in at the end of the inline for the multiple
response collection in my experiment and it seems to work like a
charm)...obviously change the relevant bits:

Dim CorBool as Boolean
CorBool = False

'Set OverallAcc if any of the responses matches the correct response
For nIndex2 = 1 to nPressCount2
If CorBool = True Then
   Exit For
End If
   If c.GetAttrib("TrialPress" & nIndex2 & "RESP") =
c.GetAttrib("CorrectAnswer") Then
      c.SetAttrib "OverallAcc", "1"
      If CorBool = False Then
         CorBool = True
         c.SetAttrib "CorrectAnswerRT", c.GetAttrib("TrialPress" &
nIndex2 & "RT")
         c.SetAttrib "CorrectAnswerRTTime", c.GetAttrib("TrialPress" &
nIndex2 & "RTTime")
      End If
      c.SetAttrib "OverallAcc", "0"
   End If
Next nIndex2

You should have 3 new columns in your data file called 'OverallAcc',
CorrectAnswerRT and CorrectAnswerRTTime. The script will have looked
at all the responses made during a trial and decided in a correct
answer was made and if so the RT and RTTime of the first occurrence of
that correct answer. NB. TrialPress is an experimenter created
variable that was created in the multiple response inline.

Hope this is of use!

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