Size change in e-prime

liwenna liwenna at
Mon Apr 4 06:33:54 UTC 2011

Nicole e-mailed me privately and I responded to her in e-mail but for
anyone who might later reference this thread I paste my e-mail below:

Hi Nicole, good morning :)

How to fix it...

As said e-prime takes over the display properties and forces the
properties it is set to onto it. The properties that e-prime is set to
can be changed as follows: on the top of the experiment tree on the
left side of the screen there is a purple (e-prime 2) or green (e-
prime 1) e-prime logo. Select this logo and go to properties. Select
the tab 'devices' and then select display and 'edit' (top of my
head... I think it reads 'edit'). You can then adjust the dimensions
on the screen, by default it is set to 640*480.

To do this on a different computer, first check the dimensions that
windows uses on your testcomputer (these are probably good to use),
note them down (and if needed also the physical dimensions e.g. the
size of the display in cm/inches) and then adjust on the 'design

This pretty much is something that you ought to do first on any new
program that you create in e-prime. Using e-primes (very old
fashioned, ment for very old small display's) settings, with nowadays
displays almost always means that e-prime will show everything 'blown
up', causing a grainy look to your experiment and what's worse,
leaving you in less control of sizes, especially with pictures this is
problematic because you want to have the pictures you use (and that
you have given a specific dimension on purpose) to actually be shown
that way.

I kinda took this sentence from your message "I have the resolution
set to be the same as the computer in which the
experiment was created." to mean that you already knew how to do this.
If you didn't then you probably ment to say that you fiddled around
long enough to make it so that a line in e-prime shows up with a
certain size (10 cm). If that is the case then you'll unfortunately
find that adjusting the setting will make all your lines to have
shrunken by a fair bit.

On the plus side... when you are aware of your testing computers
display size and pixel dimensions it is not that hard to actually
calculate the sizes you need. Say a display has a width of 25 cm (just
a number I make up now) and your resolution is 1280*1040 then there
are 1280 pixels on those 25 cm, that means that 1 cm contains 51,2
pixels and a line of 10 cm should therefore measure 152 pixels.  Or
alternatively, e-prime also offers sizes to be set in % of the
horizontal or vertical axis, a line of 10 cm on a 25 cm wide screen
should have a length of 40% of the total x, horizontal axis.

So... you can adjust your program on the creating computer (I'd
probably create a copy of the program you have now, adjust that,) save
it, take the e-run file and take that to you testcomputer)

Good luck!



On 3 apr, 11:43, liwenna <liwe... at> wrote:
> Hi Nicole,
> The problem should be somewhere with the resolution indeed. Are the
> two display's different in dimensions by any chance?
> You wrote that you adapted the program's resolution to the resolution
> used on the display that you wrote the program on.  Do keep in mind
> that e-prime will 'take over' the display when it's run and that it
> will force the resolution it is set to onto the display that it uses.
> Now... if the other display has a different dimension, say for
> instance that it is less wide than the original display, then any
> horizontal line will be shortened because e-prime will cram the same
> number of pixels on both the horizontal and the vertical axis onto the
> display's 'surface'. If the new display is more wide on the other hand
> than any vertical lines will be shortened for the same reason.
> So... try adapting the program to the new display's settings and if
> that doesn't help do report back :)
> best,
> liw
> On 3 apr, 05:00, Nicole T <nat... at> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I am using E-Prime version 2.0 and have come across a problem with the
> > stimuli size when the experiment is run on a different computer. I
> > have the resolution set to be the same as the computer in which the
> > experiment was created. I am using a 10 cm line that shows up as 10 cm
> > on one computer, but is only 9 cm in length on a separate computer. I
> > created the program on a Windows 7 computer and am running it in
> > Windows XP. A similar problem has occurred in another experiment
> > designed in our lab using 14 cm lines that show up as 12.5 cm. Any
> > possible suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
> > Thank-you!

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