Display a list of words before randomly repeating part of the list

rkw r.k.withers at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 18:45:16 UTC 2011


I am new to using E-Prime and am currently in the process of designing
a memory task. Basically the subjects are shown a bunch of words in a
row and need to identify whether or not that word has appeared before
during that run. What I am struggling with is that what needs to
happen is that 48 new words (of a list of 84 words) are shown, and
then after these 48, 12 of these 48 that have been shown are randomly
selected and repeated with the presentation of the remaining 36 words
(from the original list of 84). So far I have tried splitting the
BlockProc into 2 different TrialLists, the first which has a nested
list indicating that 48 of the 84 words need to be randomly selected.
For the second TrialList I tried nesting a Repeat List and a list that
was the same as above (therefore it would present the remaining 36 of
84 words). I couldn't figure out how to set the RepeatList to only
randomly select words from the 48 words shown first, without just
randomly repeating 12 words from the entire 84.

Perhaps I have gone about solving this problem in entirely the wrong
way. Any suggestions or advice or answers would be incredibly
appreciated! I also am very unfamiliar with writing eBasic script, so
I have been trying to avoid using that, but I am entirely prepared to
make use of it in order to solve this problem.


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