Storing responses

Anne-Wil liwenna at
Sat May 26 14:06:56 UTC 2012

How about something like this....

Following the first two phases create a list for the learningphase called.. 
relearningphaselist (or something the like) that has two levels. Set the 
weight for both levels on 30 and set the list to random order. Now into 
these two levels nest two lists called phase1rememberedlist and 
phase1notrememberedlist (again... or something the like). Give them 1 
attribute called stimulus (or whatever name you like to store your 
stimuluswords in) and leave them empty and single-leveled. 

On the user tab of script window create two variables that will keep track 
of the number of items that were remembered and not remembered:

dim nremembered as integer
dim nnotremembered as integer


Now following the slide in which it is determined whether someone did or 
did not remember, add an inline that will write that current trials' value 
of "stimulus" (or whatever name you use for the attribute that holds your 
stimuluswords) to either of the two lists based on correct response to that 
slide (which I suppose is what you want).

If testslide.acc = 1 Then 

nremembered = nremembered + 1


phase1rememberedlist.SetWeight nremembered, "1" 

phase1rememberedlist.SetProc nremembered, "trialproc" 

phase1rememberedlist.SetAttrib nremembered, "stimulus", c.getattrib 

End If

If testslide.acc = 0 Then 

nnotremembered = nnotremembered + 1


phase1notrememberedlist.SetWeight nnotremembered, "1" 

phase1notrememberedlist.SetProc nnotremembered, "trialproc" 

phase1notrememberedlist.SetAttrib nnotremembered, "stimulus", c.getattrib 

End If


What I think the above script will do is add a level to either one of the 
two lists and set all the values that need to be set. The count variables 
(nremembered and nnonremembered) tell the script which level of the lists 
are being altered and this is dependent on the number of correctly or 
incorrectly remembered items. 

Now only one thing is still needed before the start of phase three (that 
uses the newly created lists). These should be 'reimplemented' which is 
done by the following code that tells e-prime the amount of levels 
(nremembered/nnotremembered) and that these form a single cycle. At the 
reset command e-prime will reload the new lists (rather than using the 
empty lists that it generated when the run was initiated).  Put this code 
in an inline inbetween the testphaselist and the relearningphaselist on the 
procedure that holds both lists (presumably sessionproc). 

Set phase1rememberedlist.TerminateCondition = Cycles(1) 

Set phase1rememberedlist.ResetCondition = Samples(nremembered) 


Set phase1notrememberedlist.TerminateCondition = Cycles(1) 

Set phase1notrememberedlist.ResetCondition = Samples(nnotremembered) 


I dare not make much promises, I based this code from other posts on 
similar problems (mainly Gilis code here:!topic/e-prime/elFvbnRAA7I ) 
and I can't test it from were I am now, but I think the above should work 
or almost (and that's often the tricky part >.<) work. 

Please let me know,


On Friday, 25 May 2012 11:21:14 UTC+2, T.S. wrote:
> As you will notice in the following I am not really experienced with E- 
> Prime. I have a Paradigma, which presents in the learning phase 120 
> pairs of vocabulary, for 2 rounds. After the learning phase there will 
> be a test-phase. And now we come to the point where I am stuck right 
> at the moment. After the test phase there should be another learning- 
> phase, were only 30 before remembered and 30 before not remembered 
> words should be presented (so I would like to present stimuli 
> contingent on the test-phase responses) . As I worked through the User 
> Guide and the forum I had to realize that there is no way that E-Prime 
> keeps a record of the past but that there should be a solution via 
> global variables to store responses in an array for later use. As I 
> said before I am no E-Prime pro-user and the Using "E-Basic" chapter 
> did not help me to get this done. 
> Maybe one of you could give me some advice concerning global variables 
> and the storing of responses. 
> Thomas 

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