Conditional Jump Label not working

Tina depechemoder at
Fri Dec 20 22:13:29 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I am trying to set up a paradigm where participants will see several slides 
only if they respond to a previous slide ("TextDisplay1") with the number 
2. I have tried using the Jump Label technique by adding two keyboards and 
setting the input for one of them to be for 2 and another for the other 
responses to that slide (the keys "q" and "w"). I've set the action to be 
Jump for the first keyboard, with the appropriate Jump Label ("Label1") and 
then terminate for the second keyboard. However, it applies the Jump Label 
to both keyboards for some reason. I've tried removing the Label for the 
second keyboard but this removes it from the first keyboard as well. 
Basically, right now, if participants answer with "2" or "q" or "w" they 
will be shown the additional slides. How do I change this so it only jumps 
only if participants answer with "2"?

I've also tried using an inline script before the label instead of going 
through the GUI. My knowledge of E-Basic is lacking to say the least, so 
I've tried the following:
"If TextDisplay1.resp=2 Then  
GoTo Label1
End If"

This results in a "Type Mismatch" error. 

Any suggestions? I would REALLY appreciate any help!

Thanks all,

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