Strange problem

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Thu May 2 15:38:23 UTC 2013

Strange indeed.  First, just to clarify, given your described design 
you expect to get either

     1 WhiteDot ACC=1
     2 WhiteDot ACC=1


     1 WhiteDot ACC=0

nothing else.  Then a few questions come to mind.

1) What Duration do you use for whiteDot?

2) What PreRelease do you use for whiteDot?

3) What Time Limit do you use for the input mask on whiteDot?

4) What responses are you entering to get these results, and when do 
the responses occur relative to whiteDot?

5) Could you write and described a stripped-down program that 
exhibits this phenomenon so that we might try to duplicate it?


David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

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strive to respond to all requests in 24-48 hours, so make full use of 
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get an answer from PST staff, please extend the courtesy of posting 
their reply back here for the sake of others.

At 5/2/2013 07:45 AM Thursday, Valerio Biscione wrote:
>Hi, I am experiencing a really strange problem with e prime.
>It is something simple like this:
>Debug.print "1 WhiteDot ACC=" & whiteDot.ACC
>If whiteDot.ACC=1 Then
>Debug.print "2 WhiteDot ACC=" & whiteDot.ACC
>end if
>What the debug print is sometimes
>1 WhiteDot ACC=1
>2 WhiteDot ACC=1
>and sometimes
>1 WhiteDot ACC=0
>2 WhiteDot ACC=1
>and sometimes
>1 WhiteDot ACC=0
>2 WhiteDot ACC=0
>Assuming that the answer to WhiteDot is always ACCurate and that if 
>I print the whiteDot.ACC in a following inline function it always 
>returns 1, i think that the problem is that  ACC value of WhiteDot 
>slide doesn't update instantly. The problem is that in the real 
>inline function  I have to do an operation if whiteDot.ACC=0, so it 
>has to be updated instantly after the slide! How can I be sure that 
>this occours?

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