vote on BWLG/GALA connection

Penny Eckert eckert at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Fri Jul 2 23:19:43 UTC 1999

Hey, folks - if there's going to be a lot of discussion of whether to have
the conference at Stanford next spring, please make it happen sooner
rather than later. If we're going to do it, and actually pull off
something elegant, we need to start moving on it right away.

To add my two cents to the discussion - we're in an excellent position at
this point to do the conference. I've had an enthusiastic response from
people here to the possibility of doing the conference. We have a large
and effective cohort of sociolinguistics graduate students, many of whom
work in gender. We also have three faculty working in language and gender
- myself, Miyako Inoue and Yoshiko Matsumoto - so there will be plenty of
faculty support both from us and from our colleagues.

What more could you want?


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