Call for a vote

Megan J. Crowhurst mjcrowhu at EMAIL.UNC.EDU
Tue Mar 9 01:09:52 UTC 1999

Earlier this week, Sara T reposted the agenda for discussion for the next
six months or so, and asked for any discussion members felt was necessary
before moving to a vote on Agenda Item 1a.  What follows is a summary of
the discussion we've had so far on Agenda Item 1a (mainly based on Sara's
earlier summary, and comments in the few postings we've had this week,
which are compatible with Sara's summary), and a call for a vote. Please
record your vote in the space provided at the bottom of this message and
return it to Megan C. by Friday.  During the voting process, we will go
on to discuss the next agenda item, 1b (see the following message).


1. Philosophy/Nature/Principles of GALA

a. What will happen when the six months are over? How (generally speaking)
will the issues proposed in this discussion be implemented?


I.  We keep the email list.
II.  We disseminate information through the regular mail, possibly in the
form of a newsletter.


I.  Plan 1.
- When the discussion ends in six months, we call for nominations for a
temporary executive committee with a one-year term of office
- We hold an online election.
- The committee takes the principles that emerged during the discussion
and drafts by-laws for the organization, sets up an institutional
structure (non-profit status and the like), and otherwise gets things
- As its last duty, the committee organizes an executive committee or
whatever form of officers we (the list) decide we want.

II.  Plan 2.  Same as Plan 1, but we consider the formulation committee to
be the first exec. committee.

III.  Plan 3.  Same as Plan 1, but we consider diversity (geographical and
otherwise) as we talk about the scope (international) of the organization.

IV.  Plan 4.  Same as Plan 2, modified by including Plan 3. Thus:

- When the discussion ends in six months, we call for nominations for the
first executive committee with a one-year term of office.
- We hold an online election.
- The committee takes the principles that emerged during the discussion
and drafts by-laws for the organization, sets up an institutional
structure (non-profit status and the like), and otherwise gets things
- We commit to considering diversity (geographical and otherwise) as we
talk about the scope (international) of the organization.


I.  Proposal 1.  Structure and implementation should emerge out of each
agenda item.

II. Proposal 2.  Structure might emerge out of looking at another
organization such as OCSLG

III. Proposal 3.  Both 1 and 2; that is, Structure and implementation
should emerge from the membership's discussion of each agenda item as it
arises, *and* by looking at the structures of other organizations.


PROPOSAL A.  Vote YES or NO on each of the following. (NOTE: The two
options are not mutually exclusive; you may vote YES on both.)

1. We will keep the email list operative after the six months of
discussion have ended.
2.  We will disseminate information through mail in a newsletter.

PROPOSAL B.  Vote YES or NO on Plan 4 (the most comprehensive plan). If
Plan 4 is rejected, we will vote on the other plans.

PROPOSAL C.  Vote YES or No  on Proposal 3 (the most comprehensive
proposal). If it is rejected, we will vote on the other proposals.

(Please return votes to mjcrowhu at by Thursday.)

Megan J. Crowhurst, Ph.D.		Tel:  919-962-1484
Department of Linguistics		Fax:  919-962-3708
The University of North Carolina	
318 Dey Hall 014A, CB # 3155		
Chapel Hill, NC  27599			

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