"Framing" social issues

Alice F. Freed alice.freed at MONTCLAIR.EDU
Wed Apr 6 22:05:06 UTC 2005

A committee within a progressive political group I'm in is looking at
ways to "frame" (a la Goffman, Gumperz, Tannen, and recently G. Lakoff)
various social and political issues of importance in ways that are
different from the current administration's ways of framing them. Among
the issues are of course abortion (reproductive rights) and same-sex
marriage. We are trying to find effective ways of talking about these
issues (in letters to the press, etc.) without just arguing against and
therefore reinforcing the standard "frames" being used. So how do we
talk about the "pro-life" position to reveal what it really is? How do
we reframe the arguments against same-sex marriage that include notions
like the "sanctity of marriage?" Any ideas or suggestions of recent good
articles you have read would be much appreciated.

Alice F. Freed
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