SV: SV: [gothic-l] Your opinions on this site...

Magnus Hreinn Snaedal hreinn at ISMAL.HI.IS
Wed Oct 4 09:55:08 UTC 2000

In Mossé's Bibliographia Gotica from 1950, we read:

1357. Wiener, L., 'Philological Fallacies,' The Nation XCVIII (1914) 536p.
[On Provençal and Spanish loan-words in Gothic; worthless]

For some reason, Mossé does not mention the book from 1915.


At 11:32 3.10.2000 +0200, you wrote:
>Sorry, Sig, I missed your first notice about Wiener's book of 1915. Now I
>have it in front of me (the book). I can also see in our library catalogue,
>that Wiener was born in 1862, so he is almost 140 years old. I have been
>kicking a man, who isn't able to get up. However, his ideas are still living
>through this midhnottsol site, so he may be worth a warning. The book was
>published by Harvard University Press - not exactly in secret. There must
>have been a debate about it. Does anybody know anything about that?
>Keth, Codex argenteus is not on-line, but perhaps it may be one day. All the
>text is digitized via the facsimile edition of 1927 by David Landau; see his
>article under:

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