[gothic-l] Re: Runic Influences

Thu Jan 18 09:04:07 UTC 2001

--- In gothic-l at egroups.com, Bertil Häggman <mvk575b at t...> wrote:
> Most probably the Latin alphabet could be seen as
> the major influence on the establishment of the futhark. ...

Parhaps someone from near the Baltic went to Italy to sell amber, and 
there he learned a North Italian alphabet to help him to record his 
transactions, and then he went straight back to the north.

I seem to remember reading many years ago that:-

(1) The runes look most like versions of the alphabet that were used 
in North Italy, rather than the Roman version.
(2) Someone found a Germanic helmet that had belonged to someone 
called Haryawulfaz Hathuwulfingaz, and he had scratched his name into 
it in an Italian-type alphabet.

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