[gothic-l] Re: Runic Influences

Francisc Czobor czobor at CANTACUZINO.RO
Fri Jan 19 10:34:38 UTC 2001

I remember that I have read somewhere that the oldest known Germanic 
inscription (dating from 3th century B.C., if I'm not wrong) is 
HARIGASTI TEIWA, in Etruscan scipt, written on some object (helmet, or 
horn?), found somewhere in Austria (or North Italy ?).
Sorry, but I can remember exactly only the content of that 


--- In gothic-l at egroups.com, MCLSSAA2 at f... wrote:
> --- In gothic-l at egroups.com, Bertil Häggman <mvk575b at t...> wrote:
> > Most probably the Latin alphabet could be seen as
> > the major influence on the establishment of the futhark. ...
> Parhaps someone from near the Baltic went to Italy to sell amber, 
> there he learned a North Italian alphabet to help him to record his 
> transactions, and then he went straight back to the north.
> I seem to remember reading many years ago that:-
> (1) The runes look most like versions of the alphabet that were used 
> in North Italy, rather than the Roman version.
> (2) Someone found a Germanic helmet that had belonged to someone 
> called Haryawulfaz Hathuwulfingaz, and he had scratched his name 
> it in an Italian-type alphabet.

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