[gothic-l] Fwd: Finnur Jónsson and goðþjóð

Anþanareiks anthanaric at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 10 12:45:08 UTC 2001


Keth said: Finnur Jónsson gave the following comment to Voluspá 30, 4:
"Völvens syn af valkyrierne betegner ufredens, kampens begyndelse;
hvorfra de kommer siger hun ikke. Men de kommer til "goðþjóð",
'gudefolket', hvortil menneskene hører; de må være indbefattede."
(the prophetess' vision of the valkyrior signifies the beginning
of the conflict or battle; she does not say from whence they come.
But they are coming to "goðþjóð", 'the race divine', to which
humanity belongs; they must be included.)

The lex.poet. entries are:
goðþjóð, f, gudefolket, guderne (set
som et folk), Vsp 30. Jfr iøvrigt Got-

Gotþjóð, f, Goternes folk og (især) land
(i hds sædvanlig skrevet goð-, dog fin-
des i Herv. læsemåder, der kan bero på
got-), om Jörmunreks land, á G-u, G-ar
til Ghv 8. 16; mere ubestemt Helr 8 (á
G-u). -- om Angantyrs land i Hervarars,
á G-u (v.l. gautu þioðar) Herv V 9. 13,
VII 2 (her got-, god-).

My Analysis:

guþa  Goth
gutþuida (Gothic)  land of the Goths
gautu þioðar = people of Gaut
'goðþjóð, f, gudefolket' lit. = god race
Goternes folk og (især) land = Gothic people and land
(her got-, god-) Is Jónsson saying that they are equivalent

gautu þioðar seems to relate that the Goths were descended from Gaut, 
thus they were people of Gaut, gautu þioðar. 

guþ(Gothic) (guth)norm.  pl. guda. God
evolved into
goð (ON) n. pl. 

So in the earliest traditions, the Goths, circa 400 CE, you have    
god  people   
guþ  þuida   gutþuida
goð   þjóð    goðþjóð

I think that gautu þioðar, people descended from Gaut, is the key 
here esp. considering the Goths felt they were descended from Gaut.
What is Gothic for Goth, gutan, pl.  similar to gaut.

Golja þuk


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