[gothic-l] As tree/ wooden pillar ,was "l. error: Gapt "

keth at ONLINE.NO keth at ONLINE.NO
Mon Jul 16 01:51:57 UTC 2001

Hi Anders,
Please forget Aartun's "Runer i kulturhistorisk sammenheng"
(PAX forlag, Oslo 1994). James Knirk wrote some articles in the newspaper
against this book at the time. It should never have been printed he said.
At the time I didn't know as much as I do today, but I am glad I took
Knirk's advice, and didn't go into it.
Knirk explained that Aartun does not go to look at the objects
themselves, but uses photos. And then he sees faults in the
photos, and when he then takes a magnifying glass, he sees
runes that no one else can see.

He interprets the runes in an ENTIRELY different way from
everybody else. Always by means of sex words.

I now found Høst's book that Aartun refers to.
Take for example the Rosseland stone (Hordaland)
According to Høst the inscription reads:

   ek wagigaR irilaR agilamudon.

  (I am Wagigar, I am Agilamundo's Eril/i.e. runemaster)

This is the normal reading. Now listen to what Aartun reads:

   Fullfill the sex act, (oh) my sex partner,
   who is filled with desire!
   Look, I will rub in (with a fatty substance)
   the one who penetrates/who injects (the semen) into the innermost,
   who sows into (i.e. makes pregnant)
   the little (room) which is filled with lust!
   The thing desired (is there),
   (Oh) dumb/big/slender one.

(Just as a warning. Now you know it. So please stay away
from this book!)

>I found this post and the following discussion today, and I find it
>quite interesting. I'm not at all certain that As-__ (gods)
>necessarily must have ethymology from "beam" or "ås". I'm of course
>no expert in linguistics and certainly not on these words, but I note
>that ethymologies are contanly in revaluaton. It seems to me that the
>word we are talking about is related to the name of the Ass elder
>(british)rune. As the runes appear to be older than our germanic
>languages I would suppose that its meaning is still highly uncertain
>and therefore difficult to lead ethymologies from.
>The funny part is that I just two days ago found this site. The guy
>posts in e. g. Biblical studies ( he doesn't seem to be semitic-
>germanic biassed):
>he argues that the asherim in the old testament was really pillars of
>the aser tree and that the ethymology is from the egyptian Asar
>tree , an olive tree as I understand it, which was a symbol for
>I'm not disgusted to the idea that there could be a conection with
>our Ase poles;-).
>I would therefore be very interested in more information on your
>theory and the pole-gods.

Well, Osiris was of course an important god in antiquity.
Under Hellenism he was one of the gods, together with Isis,
that the Greeks learned about. I think the legend is actually
known from Greek literature (the legend of Isis and Osiris)
With the Romans conquering Alexandria, the Egyptian cults
came to Rome, and it is not impossible that Roman legionaries
and merchants have known about Isis and Osiris. And so the cult
may have come to the Rhine. And Osiris was of course in Egypt
called "Asar" which sound a bit like the plural of áss : æsir.

But a scholar like Edgar Polomé much preferred a Hittite origin
of the word áss, because he said he found the word in Hittite as
well, and it goes back to 1500 BC. The Hittites lived in
Asia Minor, and their language was an Indo European language.

Now something else: When I read about the Saami religion
some years ago, it was pointed out that the Saami house/tent/
earth-hut related to the cosmos. There was for example
a back entrance, and only that was to be used when the man went
out on behalf of religion, for.ex. to sacrifice a rein.
And then he had to return through the same door. Otherwise
for mundane things, he always used the front entrance.
Also the ceiling of the tent was compared to the sky.
So the sky was like a big tent, and the gods lived beyond it.
Also the wooden pillars that held up the ceiling of his hut
were compared to the earth's axis. Thus everything inside
the house had some sacred significance.

(well, enough about this)
(probably some will say it is off topic and has
nothing to do with the goths... except, they did live
in the same regions, and so their religion may at first have
been somewhat like that. That was just to indicate a
possible origin of the wooden pillars.)

But back South, Osiris was of course shut up in
a wooden pillar on Byblos. And so there are parallels.

We could have a long discussion here.

Best regards

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