[gothic-l] Re: The first letter of apostle John and other parts translated

write2andy@yahoo.com [gothic-l] gothic-l at yahoogroups.com
Sat Dec 20 19:24:55 UTC 2014

Maybe some Mozarabic church in Spain would have Gothic church services. I started translating a Mozarabic missal a few weeks ago, let me show you a little of it:

 Saggws innatgahtáis:
 Ussaíƕiþ, nu qimiþ af baírgam airus mereináis, halleluia, saei kunþeiþ friþu, halleluia.
 Dulþeiþ dulþins þeinos, halleluia, jah usfulleiþ háitjos du þamma Báudja, halleluia.
 V/: Báudeis sateiþ in munþa izwaramma waúrdam waúrstweigáim.
 R/: Jah usfulleiþ háitjos du þamma Báudja, halleluia.
 V/: Wulþus áizah du Attin Sunáuh Weihin Ahminuh, sinteino. Amen.
 R/: Jah usfulleiþ háitjos du þamma Báudja, halleluia.
(or switch Báudja for Fráuja.)
Original: http://www.hispanomozarabe.es/Liturgia/Renov/mis-1DAdv1.htm http://www.hispanomozarabe.es/Liturgia/Renov/mis-1DAdv1.htm

 If I can get it finished one day, we could actually start a Gothic church service. But I'm waiting until I have better study materials for Gothic on hand.

 Once I get better in Gothic, I'll help translate the Bible, too. We could get the whole thing translated; I think any Bible publishers would publish it.

 In order to have a Gothic mass, though, we should have a speaker community. Maybe the mass would encourage people to learn it? Or how about this: A Gothic church could actually have Gothic lessons. But that's years in the future.

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