eBook creation software

Andrew Cunningham lang.support at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 19 23:07:04 UTC 2012

On 20 January 2012 05:54, Phillip E Cash Cash
<cashcash at email.arizona.edu> wrote:

> It seems we need a new buzz word to describe the technology needs,
> development gap, and cultural/language challenges most communities
> find themselves in.  This is because we come back to square one every
> time there is a new educational technology up for consideration.  The
> idea of a "digital divide" is sort of lame and a bit outmoded these
> days but it gets a lot of mileage in the text books.

In Australia current terminology is more around digital inclusion and
digital exclusion (in the context of civil society, e-Democracy and
egovernment) rather than digital divide and has more to do with

Although interestingly most recent discussions around factors that
cause digital exclusion that are occurring in Australia exclude
language as an exclusion factor.

Andrew Cunningham
Senior Project Manager, Research and Development
State Library of Victoria

andrewc at vicnet.net.au
lang.support at gmail.com

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