Academics urge government to heed indigenous language report (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Sep 26 16:29:11 UTC 2012

Academics urge government to heed indigenous language report

September 26, 2012

A group of indigenous language researchers from the University of
Melbourne is calling on the Federal Government to implement a proposal
to introduce bilingual teaching programs in some schools.

The proposal was one of 30 recommendations made last week by a Federal
Parliamentary inquiry into language learning in indigenous

Professor Gillian Wigglesworth, the Director of the University's
Indigenous Language Research Unit, said bilingual education was vital
to the development of young children in communities where languages
other than English were spoken at home.

"Without a bilingual program, children are being taught in a language
they are not familiar with. This means they often don't understand
what is going on, and then don't engage," she said.

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