Información bibliográfica: NIEDEREHE, H.-J. 1994. Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español. Desde los principios hasta el año 1600.

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg Carlos.Subirats at
Wed Mar 18 11:13:21 UTC 1998

INFOLING  Lista moderada de lingüística española
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Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg <Carlos.Subirats at>
Paola Bentivoglio <pbentivo at>, UCV
Eulalia de Bobes <ebobes at>, UAB
Mar Cruz <mcruz at>, UB
Emma Martinell <martinell at>, UB

Información bibliográfica:
NIEDEREHE, Hans-Josef. 1994. Bibliografía cronológica
de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del
español (BICRES). Desde los principios hasta el año
1600. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 457 págs.

    Since the publication of the still very valuable
Biblioteca histórica de la filología castellana by
Cipriano Muñoz y Manzano, conde de la Viñaza,
(Madrid, 1893), our knowledge of the history of the
study of the Spanish language has grown considerably.
It is the purpose of the present bibliography to
bring already available bibliographical information
together with the more recent research findings,
scattered in many places, books and articles,
published during the past one hundred years. More
importantly still, many years of work in the major
libraries of Spain and other European countries have
gone into this new bibliography in order to offer an
as exhaustive as possible description of all Spanish
grammars and dictionaries, histories of the Spanish
language as well studies devoted to particular facets
of its evolution, from the early glosses in Latin and
Arabic texts in the 10th century to the beginning of
the more autonomous approach to vernacular studies in
the Renaissance period - which is not only
represented by the grammatical and lexicographical
work of the great Spanish humanist Elio Antonio de
Nebrija. Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística,
la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES)
brings together, in chronological order, close to
1,000 titles. Access to the bibliographical
information is facilitated by several detailed
indexes, such as author index, short title index,
place of production index, index of printers and
publishers, and a location index of the books

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