AV tools for teaching intro to ling anth (esp. films, youtubes, etc)

Richard J Senghas richard.senghas at SONOMA.EDU
Wed Dec 14 16:33:09 UTC 2011

Hey folks,

This exchange is great.  A thank you to all for these contributions.

An additional annotation on these sources indicating whether or not the item is captioned would be very helpful.  Our university, as part of the the California State University system with its Accessible Technology Initiative, is requiring faculty members to adopt accessible formats wherever possible.  As someone who has had Deaf students in his classes, and even hearing students with other perception/reception issues that can be mitigated by captioning, I am doing my best to accommodate.  However, the vast majority of YouTube and other (free)  streamed items I would like to use are still uncaptioned.  I was caught by surprised by one BBC/Horizon video I have used, Silent Children, New Language (1997), which recounts the emergence of Nicarguan Sign Language.  Here's a video *about sign language* that was released without captioning!

(In some cases, I can get streamed videos captioned by my university, but we have very limited funds, so I try to do it selectively.  I had Silent Children, New Language captioned this way.  Perhaps those of us paying for such captioning might be able to leverage off each other's efforts, instead of repeatedly paying to have the very same items captioned.  There are ways within YouTube and other systems to layer on captioning, without running into issues of copyright infringements.)

Best regards to all, ...now back to those 1200 pages of final papers to grade! (Whose silly idea was that?)

-Richard J Senghas
Dept. of Anthropology
Sonoma StateUnivesity

On Dec 12, 2011, at 7:26 PM, "Alex Enkerli" <slawebguru at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Glad this is happening. Once my grading is under control, I’ll create a page with these on our teaching site.
> In fact, I hope we can find ways to get several members to contribute material, this way.
> --  
> Alex Enkerli
> SLA “Web Guru”

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