6.195 Sum: References on non-human language

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sun Feb 12 13:13:10 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-195. Sun 12 Feb 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 153
Subject: 6.195 Sum: References on non-human language
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
               Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 21:50:49 -0600 (CST)
From: Steven Schaufele (fcosws at prairienet.org)
Subject: references on non-human language
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 21:50:49 -0600 (CST)
From: Steven Schaufele (fcosws at prairienet.org)
Subject: references on non-human language
Content-Length: 5739
There's been a fair amount of discussion about language among non-humans,
both publicly on LINGUIST and privately with me, since my previous summa-
ry in LINGUIST 6-28.  I will shortly be posting a sort of update/summary
of much of this discussion, including some comments of my own; what fol-
lows here is a list of some references that some people have mentioned.
(NB: I'm merely reporting what others have passed on to me; i'm not neces-
sarily familiar with these materials myself.  I got most of these referen-
ces from Rachel Lagunoff (ihw1009 at mvs.oac.ucla.edu), who is teaching a
course on this subject at UCLA, and George Williams (gww at navisoft.com),
to whom i hereby offer many thanks.)
Barber, T. X.  1993.  The Human Nature of Birds.  New York: St. Martin's.
Bickerton, D.  1990.  Language and Species.  Chicago: University of Chicago
Gardner, R. A., & B. T. Gardner.  1979.  'Teaching Sign Language to a
Chimpanzee' Science 165:664-672.
Gardner, R. A., B. T. Gardner, & T. E. van Cantfort, eds.  1989.  Teach-
ing Sign Language to Chimpanzees.  Albany: SUNY Press.
Herman, L. M.  1986.  'Cognition and Language Competencies of Bottle-
nosed Dolphins' R. J. Schusterman, J. Thomas, & F. G. Wood, eds., Dolphin
Cognition and Behavior: a Comparative Approach, pp. 221-252.  Hillsdale,
NJ: Erlbaum.
Herman, L. M.  1987.  'Receptive Competencies of Language-Trained Ani-
mals' Advances in the Study of Behavior 17:1-60.
Herman, L. M., & A. A. Pack.  1994.  'Animal Intelligence: Historical
Perspective and Comparative Approaches' R. Sternberg, ed., The Encyclo-
pedia of Intelligence.
Herman, L. M., A. A. Pack, & A. M. Wood.  1994.  'Bottlenosed Dolphins
can Generalize Rules and Develop Abstract Concepts'
Herman, L. M., A. A. Pack, & Morell-Samuels.  1993.  'Representational
and Conceptual Skills of Dolphins' in Roitblatt et al. 1993.
Herman, L. M., Richards, & Wolz.  1984.  'Comprehension of Sentences by
Bottlenosed Dolphins' Cognition 16:128-219.
Limber, J.  1977.  'Language in Child and Chimp?' American Psychologist
32:280-295 (reprinted in Sebeok & Umiker-Sebeok 1980:197-218).
Limber, J.  1978.  'Goodbye Behaviorism!' Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Limber, J.  1982.  'What can Chimps Tell us About the Origins of Lan-
guage?' S. Kuczaj, ed., Language Development, 2:429-446.  Hillsdale, NJ:
Luce, J. de, & H. T. Wilder, eds.  1983.  Language in Primates.  New York:
Neisser, A.  1990.  'Apeing Sign Language' The Other Side of Silence, pp.
202-234.  Washington: Gallaudet University Press.
Nelson, K.  1987.  'What's in a Name?  Reply to Seidenberg and Petitto'
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.  116:293-296.
Patterson, F. G.  1978.  'The Gestures of a Gorilla: Language Acquisition
in Another Pongid' Brain and Language 5:72-97.
Patterson, F., & E. Linden.  1981.  The Education of Koko.  New York:
Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Peng, F., ed.  1978.  Sign Language and Language Acquisition in Man and
Ape.  Boulder: Westview.
Pepperberg, I. M.  1993.  'Cognition and Communication in an African Grey
Parrot (Psittacus erithacus): Studies on a Nonhuman, Nonprimate, Nonmam-
malian Subject' Roitblatt et al. 1993:221-248.
Pettito, L. A., & M. S. Seidenberg.  1979.  'On the Evidence for Linguis-
tic Abilities in Signing Apes' Brain and Language 8:162-183.
Pinker, S.  1994.  The Language Instinct (chapter 11).  New York: Morrow.
Premack, D., & A. J. Premack.  1983.  The Mind of an Ape.  New York:
Roitblatt, H. L., L. M. Herman, & P. E. Nachtigall, eds.  1993.  Language
and Communcation: Comparative Perspectives.  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Savage-Rumbaugh.  1987.  'Communication, Symbolic Communication, and Lan-
guage: Reply to Seidenberg and Petitto' Journal of Experimental Psycholo-
gy: General, 116:279-287.
Savage-Rumbaugh, S., & R. Lewin.  1994.  Kanzi.  New York: Wiley.
Savage-Rumbaugh, S., K. McDonald, R. A. Sevick, W. D. Hopkins, & E.
Rupert.  1986.  'Spontaneous Symbol Acquisition and Communicative Use by
Pygmy Chimpanzees (Pan paniscus)' Journal of Experimental Psychology:
General, 115:211-235.
Sebeok, T., & J. Umiker-Sebeok, eds.  1980.  Speaking of Apes.  New York:
Seidenberg, M. S., & L. A. Petitto.  1987.  'Communication, Symbolic Com-
munication, and Language: Comment on Savage-Rumbaugh, McDonald, Sevick,
Hopkins, and Rupert (1986)' Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,
Terrace, H. S.  1987.  Nim.  New York: Columbia.
Terrace, H. S., L. A. Petitto, R. J. Sanders, & T. G. Bever.  1979.  'CAn
an Ape Create a Sentence?'  Science 206:891-902.
Thomas, E. M.  1993.  The Hidden Life of Dogs.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Wallman, J.  1992.  Aping Language.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dr. Steven Schaufele
712 West Washington
Urbana, IL  61801
fcosws at prairienet.org
**** O syntagmata linguarum liberemini humanarum! ***
*** Nihil vestris privari nisi obicibus potestis! ***
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-195.

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