LL-L "Songs" 2003.05.30 (01) [E]

R. F. Hahn rhahn at u.washington.edu
Fri May 30 14:53:55 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 30.MAY.2003 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Kristoff Bonne <kristoff.bonne at compaqnet.be>
Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2003.05.29 (05) [E/LS]


Lowlands-L schreef:
>>Hello Kristoff !

>>Several years ago one version of this song sung by a french (brittanic)
>>singer (anybody remembers the name ?) accompanied by harp was very
>>amongst young people in Germany and I always believed it being a

> Moin Holger,
> Ik kan mi voerstellen, wat du Alan Stivell meenst. "Brittanic" kan een
> up Ingelsch nich seggen. Du meenst seker "Breton".

> "British" heet wat dat vun de britischen Eilannen kamen daait.
> "Britannic" het juemmers wat mid olen spraken vun Britannien to doon.

OK. Ik vermoed dat dit eigenlijk het gevolg is van een fout van mij.

Ik wist dat 'Bretagne' (nl, fr) vertaald werd als 'Britanny' (eng); dus
-dacht ik- zal "Bretoens" (nl.) wel iets gelijkaardig zijn. Fout dus!

NB. In welke taal-familie hoort "Bretoens" eigenlijk thuis? Ik dacht dat
de mensen die in Bretagne komen wonen zijn (8ste eeuw, als ik me goed
herinner) (en later in de 11de eeuw Engeland binnengevallen zijn) het
frans overgenomen hadden van de streken rond hen.
(Want dat is toch net de reden dat er in het engels zoveel franse
invloed en woorden terug te vinden is?)
Of liggen de zaken iets complexer dan dat?

(I'll translate the last part part in english for the "international"

To what language-famility does breton belong?

I always tought that the people who came to live in Brittany in the 8st
century (and later invaded England in the 11st century) actually took
over the french language from the regions neighouring theirs.

(Because; that's why there is so much french influence and frensh words
in the english language, isn't it?).

Or are the things a little bit more complex then that?

> Dan
Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.


From: <daniel at ryan-prohaska.com>
Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2003.05.29 (05) [E/LS]

 Dear Ron,

Actually "Alan Stivell" calls himself "Alan" and not "Alain". I don't
know whether it's the official spelling in his passport, but it's
certainly an artist's prerogative to call himself whatever he wants to
without adhering to the French spelling of the name "Alan".

In Breton the /n/ is pronounced in the name "Alan".

A galon,



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Songs

Thanks, Dan.  I realized that myself last night looking at CD covers.
The weird thing is that on the web and on a couple of CDs in which he is
featured as one of several artists his names are variously spelled
"Alain," "Alan," "Stivel" and "Stivell" ...  Go figure!  I trust he
himself knows which ones are correct.


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