LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.07.13 (06) [E]

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Wed Jul 13 23:59:06 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 13.JUL.2005 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From:  Uilleam Òg mhic Sheumais <goidel.glas at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.07.13 (03) [E]

Latha math, Lowlanders;

Reinhard, this website [http://www.kortlandt.nl/publications/art197e.pdf] 
has a good deal of examples of Russenorsk.

Uilleam Òg mhic Sheumais


From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L Language Varieties

Well folks,

I thought I'd give you a taster of Negerhollands then

Proverbs from 1770:

Pampuan no kan parie Kalbas.
Brammier val na Malassie, da sut hem ha vind.
Hunder weet sie Nest.
Hunder wil si Kikkentje alteveel.
Mie bin pover Kakelak, mie no hab Regt na Hunderkot.
Hogo no hab Deer.
Leelik Volk hab fraej gut.
Mie Jammer Ju tee mie kries Ju, tee mie neem Steen
veeg mie Hogo.
Hont hab vier Vut, no kan loop twee Pat.
As Ju no ha loop na Krabbo Gat, Ju no sa hoor Krabbo

Proverbs from 1881

Kaker-laker no ha bestel na hundu sji cot.
Hundu suk makûtu, makûtu tu him.
Pad mi long, geambó drog na sji boom.
Een finger no kan fang lus.
Blau diffie seg : wen regen caba, mi sal bau mi eigen
Pobre folluk no fo ha hart bran.
Hundu seg: mi kan sweer for mi eju, mo no fo mi
Na guj hart mak cabrita sji gat bin nabit-ti.
Pobre no bin fraj.
Wanneer de wind ris, dan ju fo kik hundu sji gat.

And a (familiar) 20th century song:

Tri blain mishi
Ki hoso sen kûrri
Sen kûrri awé wit d@ fâma chi wif,
Sen snî âf sens stet wit a gebrâta mes,
mî noit no ka ki so en gôt a mî lef
Leke drî blain mishi.

We'll see what our Ron makes of that lot - I can give
translations if you get really stuck :)




From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties

Thanks a lot, Uilleam and Gary.

Talking about contact languages, folks ...

I vaguely remember my father telling me (when I was very young) about a 
working-class "jargon" (which he was able to demonstrate) of 
Willemsborg/Wilhelmsburg and neighboring areas in Hamburg (Germany), 
apparently a type of Missingsch (i.e., German on Low Saxon substrate) with 
Polish influences, especially with Polish vocabulary (of which I remember 
_Kapuster_ < _kapusta_ 'cabbage', _Koschu_ < _kościół_ '(Roman Catholic) 
church', _Sabawa_ < _zabawa_ 'dance', 'fun', 'shindig' and _Babka_ < _babka_ 
'grandma', 'old lady').  Apparently, it was in use for a relatively short 
while in the early 20th century, after large numbers of Polish workers were 
imported to Hamburg, the Ruhr Area and some other places.

Does anyone know more about this "jargon"?



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