LL-L "Etymolgy" 2005.06.04 (07) [E]

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From: Dave Singleton <davidsin at pt.lu>
Subject: LL-L "(Musical) Etymology" 2005.06.03 (15) [E]

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

It is only rather handy to be able to immediately analyze an unfamiliar
and thus understand it with the help of that and with the help of the
context in which it is used.  If you are a German speaker you understand
noun _Überbelastung_ pretty much the first time you hear it used: _über_
'over' + _be-last-en_ "to make burdened" = 'to burden', 'to exert pressure'
+ _-ung_ marking a deverbal noun.  In the case of its usual English
equivalent "excessive pressure" it depends on your educational level if you
understand it the first time you hear it used.  However, even that may
be an
overstatement, because most speakers know the words "excess(ive)" and
"pressure," and their Romance origin is really immaterial.

Hello Ron,

Where did the "unusual" meaning of burden -- chorus -- come from ? was
it not from another borrowing, namely bordun. Which in 1490'ish looked
as follows ( a title from The Gresley Manuscript)
"Northumberland  (or) Trobyll me ye burden"
Today it is generally just drone
It does though have a lot to do with bagpipes -- and thus pressure --
being the accompanying notes to the melody pipe. As such it's a real
Tonic to at least my ears!

Dave Singleton


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Moïen, léiwe Dave!  Wéi geet et Dir? Alles an der Rei?

If it isn't our favorite _factitator cornamusarum_!  Nice musical twist
there with the etymology!  And an interesting question!

Apparently we are dealing with a conflux of two words (1 & 2) here:

byrðen > burden ~ burthen (cf. OS burthinnia) "that which is borne" (cf.
byrþe ~ burðe ~ birðe > birth) < ber- 'bear', 'carry'

Fr. bourdon > bourdon ~ burdon ~ burden 'drone (bee)', 'bass string', 'drone
pipe' (cf. MedLat. burdo, Sp. bordon, Cat. bordó, Port. bordão, It. bordone,
etc., possibly onomatopoetic, possibly related to Celtic *_durd-_ ~ *_dord-_

(3) W.Ger. *_hlaþ-sti-_ ~ *_hlaþ-sta-_ > Ger./LS/Du./Af./E/Sc. etc. _last_
'burden', 'load', 'weight', OE _hlæst_, OFries. _hlest_, OG _(h)last_, ON
_hlass_; related to E lád > load, Ger. _laden_, etc.

Ädi bis herno!

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