LL-L "Morphology" 2005.09.19 (10) [E]

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Tue Sep 20 03:35:48 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 19.SEP.2005 (10) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Morphology" 2005.09.19 (07) [German]

Ron wrote:
> > Und wo wir gerade dabei sind: wie heißt "unbestimmter Artikel" auf
> Hmmm ... Ich schlage vor _(un)bestimmt Förwoord_ (_(un)bestimd

Oh linguist, where is thy grammar? That would be a pronomen, not an article.

Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Morphology

> Oh linguist, where is thy grammar? That would be a pronomen, not an 
> article.

But of cooourse, Gabriele.  Just checking if everyone's alive and awake up 
there near the rafters.  Good to see you're still paying attention, picking 
up your cues when they come your way.

See? This is the way my mind works: always a couple of miles ahead, already 
onto the next envisaged topic, swift and sharp like a fox, true to form. 

OK, reverse gear to the suggestion at hand.  Here it is then:
_(un)bestimmt Slagwoord_ (_(un)bestimd slagwourd_)

I like neither Dutch _lidwoord_ nor German _Geschlechtswort_ (= LS 
*_Geslechtswoord_, D *_geslachtswoord_, as native alternatives to 
_artikel_).  _Slag_ (pl. _Slääg'_), though etymologically linked with German 
_Geschlecht_ and Dutch _geslach_ 'sex', 'gender', is less ... well, less 
sexy.  It can simply denote 'kind' or 'type', and it has been borrowed in 
that sense also by our Scandinavian neighbors.

If our Dutch friends knew what was good for them, they'd dump that 
_lidwoord_ ("member word") thingy of theirs and change over to my new 
grandiose creation: _slagwoord_.  So there!  Enough with "sex" and 
"members"!  We are talking about *grammar* here, and won't have any of that 
dirty talk in a predominantly sober, asexual and dour Protestant 
environment, for Pete's sake!

But then again, _slagwoord_ means something different now: 'catchword'.  Not 
to worry!  We'll just outlaw that meaning and use LS _Slœtelwoord_ 
(<Slötelwoort>, _sloetel-wourd_) and D _sleutelwoord_ in that sense, the LS 
version patented on the basis of the Dutch and of German _Schlüsselwort_, 
literally meaning "key word" but not to be confused with English "keyword," 
which is the equivalent of LS _Passwoord_ (_passwourd_) and D _paswoord_ 
(German _Passwort_), cognate of English "password" ... Everyone still with 

Think about it!
(with eyes still half closed because the naughty eye doctor dilated them)

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