LL-L "Etymology" 2006.04.01 (05) [E/LS]

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 01 April 2006 * Volume 05

From: Heinrich Becker <heinrich.becker at gmx.net>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2006.03.31 (09) [E/LS]

. _quo(o)tern_- weller eyn van de *Gummiwöör*: G: 'in Frage stellen,
bezweifeln, fragwürdig sein", E: 'to doubt, to be not definite, to be

Wat meent Jii door tou?


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm

Leiwe Jonny,

in mien Mönsterländisch Platt hewwt dat Woaht "quaatern" of "quoatern"
eene annere Bedütung: "(to) veel quasseln" G.: (zu) viel reden, ohne
wirklichen Inhalt. E.: to talk too much, without substance.

Gued Goahn

Heinrich Becker


From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2006.04.01 (03) [D/E/LS]

NEW, the Nederlands Etymologisch Woordenboek(Dutch Etymological Dictionary)
of De Vries says about "nijver" that it is from "in ijver" ,  "ijver" =
diligence, ardour, zeal, hence "nijver" < in ijver = diligent,
industrious. "IJveren" (verb) = be zealous for... older Dutch "uveren"
or "nuveren" to ask, to demand, to long for.


>>From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
>>Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2006.03.31 (08) [D/E/LS]
>>Hi, Piet and  Jacqueline,
>>_nuver_ obviously is French: 'nouveau', and all of LS-people us dislike
>>NEWS ;-)!
>>Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm

>From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
>Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2006.03.31 (09) [E/LS]
>Jonny says: Nuver is obviously derived from nouveau:
>I don't know Jonny. nouveau is neu in German nieuw in Dutch etc.
>I would think the word "nijver" might be its second cousin or so,
>nijver means industrious, dilligent. Does anybody know the truth about
>But then maybe "nijver" is a derivation of Nivernois, somebody from the
>of Nevers and maybe the people there were always busy? Jacqueline
>From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
>Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2006.03.31 (09) [E/LS]
>"Nuver" from French nouveau? Non, merci...
>The pronunciation is ["ny:v at r], so in German based spelling it would
>be "nüwer".
>I think it is the same word as Dutch "nijver" = diligent, industrious,
>from which one would expect a Low Saxon "niever", but in Stellingwerven
>and Veluwe varieties of Low Saxon one finds rounding of [i] between
>labials => [y]. Rounding of [i] between labials is also very common in
>Zeelandic/Flemish dialets of the South Western Netherlands and Western
>Belgium. wuuf [wyf] = D. wijf (wife), bubel ["byb at l] = D. bijbel (Bible),
>pupe ["pyp@] = D. pijp (pipe) etc.
>But I share your observation of "Neophobia" among the Low Saxons, rather
>fear for new things than for the news, I guess. At least compared to
>Hollanders and Frisians, the average Low Saxon in the Neterlands is
>relatively a bit more thoughtful, more cautious, more careful and less
>outspoken. In this sense we can clearly see the Frisian background of the
>Groningen Low Saxons (who spoke Frisian until a few hundred years ago) who
>are generally more extravert and enterprising than the 'original' Low
>Saxons from Drenthe (incl. Stellingwerven), Salland, Twente and the
>Speaking about prejudices...


From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2006.04.01 (03) [D/E/LS]

Oh, oh,

dat schall woll Aarger geeben...

Hebbt wii woll dennen eyrsten Dag van dennen April-Maand? April, April!??

Reini (_quotern_):
> voer _fragwürdig_ sachs so wat as "an twyweln", "as (schnapp)

Piet (_quotern_):
> >       E: decided, decisive, definite, definitive, final, firm, positive 
> > =
> Nl.: definitief, onherroepelijk, vast
>       E: definite, particular, specific = Nl.: bepaald, definitief
>       E: clear, definite, demonstrable, evident, obvious, patent = Nl.:
> apert, duidelijk, evident, kennelijk, klaarblijkelijk, uitgesproken
>       E: definite, outright, undoubted, unmistakable, unquestionable =
> Nl.:
> gewis, ontwijfelbaar, waaraan niet te twijfelen valt, zeker

Tja, beste Lüüd- seggt mii eyn Deyl: dit Woord hebb ick (in mien verkrallte 
Beestigkeyt) sülben 'kreiert', 'ruut-funnen', 'uut-klamüseert', dat hebb ick 
al me Leev naarms leest or höört. Schull ick door woll tou veel van 
'linguistica ordinaria' 'rinbrocht hebben ;-) ;-)?

Allerbest, mit Grötjes un' Greutens

Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm

_ esumieren/esumeern_ hebb ick in der Daad sou all hoyrt; dank Dii, Piet, 
föör Diin Verkloor'n!

un' mit

Ingmar e.a.:
> "nuver" from French nouveau? Non, merci...

Door bliiv ick bii- no al miin Küll un' dat, wat ick vandoog weller beleevt 
hebb :-)...

BBTW: Mii hebbt's vanmonnen ouk all anscheeten, opp de.wiktionary.


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology


Tjer, *hyr* is nüms rin-vullen.

> Door bliiv ick bii- no al miin Küll un' dat, wat ick vandoog weller 
> beleevt hebb :-)...

Un 'n beten tou veel houstensap?

Waar Dy!


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