LL-L 'Anniversary' 2006.12.15 (05) [E]

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Sat Dec 16 02:00:13 UTC 2006

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

L O W L A N D S - L * 13 December 2006 * Volume 05

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary

Dear Lowlanders,

As some of you may have noticed already, I have little by little added
"vignettes" to the information pages of the various languages or dialect
groups that are represented at our anniversary site (

What I mean by "vignettes" are boxes with pictures and text sitting,
magazin-article-like, embedded in the text.  I've run this by a bunch of
non-listers, and they all approved, saying, as I do, that it makes the pages
seem "friendlier," less "daunting" to the average person.  And we do need to
bear in mind that the average "visitor" does not have advanced degrees, and
many of them are secondary school students, also that the average surfer is
not inclined to read long texts without some sort of entertainment or lure.

Wherever possible, I've tried to make the vignettes relate to the Lowlands
focus, thus showing that our focus does not stand in isolation and that the
study of language necessitates global visions.

Now, I wrote the information pages for the "core" languages first, before I
got into a more long-winded mode with languages that are less known.  As a
result, most of the Lowlands language information is shorter that that for
the "exotic" ones.  I am wondering if some of you would be willing to look
at them (and at offerany other), suggest changes, additions or even
rewrites.  If you do, please write to me privately, also if you have what
you believe are more suitable pictures.

If you help with writing, please also let me know whether or not I may
acknowledge this help.  By default, I would list you as coauthors.  If you
totally rewrite an article I would list you as sole authors.

You can get to the language information pages directly from the following

I would also like to use this as an appeal  for more translations and sound
files for the Anniversary site.  If you can't produce them yourselves,
please consider recruiting others.  If you have questions, please write to

Some more translations and a couple of sound files are apparently in the
works as we speak.  So keep checking the indices or the "What's new?" box on
the first page.

Please also bear in mind that these pages are rather popular, are linked to
from other sites and also have many repeat visitors.

Thanks and regards,

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