LL-L "Delectables" 2007.04.17 (05) [E]

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Tue Apr 17 16:49:53 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  17 April 2007 - Volume 05


From: Marcel Bas <roepstem at hotmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Rabbit" 2007.04.17 (04) [E/S]

Hi Reinhard, & other Lowlanders,

Do you also love cooking?

The other day I made haggis, according to a recipe that I got from the
European Peasant Cookery book, by Elizabeth Luard (
 I didn't cook the haggis in a sheep's paunch, though. I can't stand the
taste and smell of any regurgitator's tripe ever since I have prepared a
South African *afval* that consists of tripe and trotters in autumn. So in
stead I cooked it in a pig's stomach.

I realy like this haggis; there's a lot of it left in the deep freeze; the
stomach just wasn't big enough to stuff it with all the filling. So I cut up
kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, suet, onions and thyme, and mixed it together.
The kidneys, heart, liver and lungs I already cooked in a large pot. I mixed
the whole stuff with thyme, salt, pepper and oatmeal (that I just baked in
the oven for a while to make it a bit brown) and then I put it in the
stomach, which I sewed up. This I let simmer for three hours. I finally ate
it (at ten o' clock in the evening) with my own clapshot.

I must say that this dish took me more than five hours, which it very long.
Afval takes me 15 hours, so haggis is OK.

A friend of mine has a Scottish (Scots) brother-in-law, and he would like to
taste this haggis. He only had haggis from the shop, stuffed in a coating.
Besides, when he got married to my friend's sister, he also met my friend's
Frisian family. One uncle from Friesland, who does not speak English, could
speak Frisian to the Scottish guy, and the Scottish guy replied in Scots. My
friend says they could communicate well, as their languages were nearly
mutually intelligible.

I'd like to believe that, but I don't think that their conversation allowed
them to really SAY something.

Best regards,



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Delectables

Thanks, Marcel.

> Do you also love cooking?

I do, and I'm not half bad at it, at least in the context of a large fish in
a small pond ...




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