LL-L 'Quoting' 2007.02.07 (12) [E]

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Wed Feb 7 23:00:36 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L - 07 February 2007 - Volume 12


From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L 'Quoting' 2007.02.06 (08) [E]

From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at fleimin.demon.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L 'Role Play' 2007.02.06 (04) [E]

By role play I mean where a speaker dispenses with the "he said, she
said" sort of speech tags and more or less becomes the people in their

In Scots it seems to me that one of the main cues in switching to a
different speaker is a pause and an audible intake of breath (not
necessarily in that order). ....

I don't think I've ever really observed this sort of thing in English,
on the other hand. ...

Sandy Fleming

Not in the Standard form maybe.  Many regional dialects use a "my turn"
marker though.  Most striking is Liverpool.  Scousers can hardly say
anything without a prefaced  "mmmneeeyah"..

Ordering a drink from the bar must be performed as:  "..mmmneeyah I'll 'ave
a pint o' bitter an' two o'lager..".  Simply saying "A pint of bitter and
two of lager please" is likely to be met with a confused stare.

Some Leicester folk used a muttered "wayasec" ("wait a second")  before
sentences, though it seems to have faded.


From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at fleimin.demon.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L 'Quoting' 2007.02.06 (08) [E]

> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Quoting
> A: She went like "Will you hand in your paper tomorrow?"
> B: What?! She crazy or what?
> A: Yeah, I go "..."
> I assume this is a marriage of older "he goes, "..." etc. (for past
> tense) and more recent overuse of "like" as a pause marker.  In some
> conversations I hear this being used completely regularly, i.e.
> grammaticalized.  And added to this is more elaborate acting.
> Is this at least similar to what you mean, Sandy?

No  :)

"He's like..." etc are still speech tags. I mean people who frequently
report dialogue without any speech tags.

For example:

"Well, he was wondering about that so he says to her Did you mean to do
that? Me? Do what? Put the biscuits in the fridge. In this weather, yes.
So he takes them out and puts them back in the cupboard. That's where
they're kept. Oh is that so? And that's how it started."

Which would of course be much easier to follow in speech because of the
breathing and intonation cues I was talking about before.

Sandy Fleming



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