LL-L "Etymology" 2007.06.17 (02) [E]

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Sun Jun 17 19:50:39 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  17 June 2007 - Volume 02


From: Henno Brandsma <hennobrandsma at hetnet.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2007.06.16 (06) [E]

From: jonny  <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2007.06.15 (09) [E]

Hoyza! Just looking over the fence, into the *'Woordeliest'* of our
friend *Piet
Bult* I find the Stellingwarfs word 1. 'tille': NL 'bruggetje', E 'little
bridge' or 2. 'tille: NL 'doorwaadbare plaats', E 'ford', G 'Furt'; 3.
'tille': NL 'til', E 'to lift', G 'aufheben'.

'Little bridge' or 'ford' could both be of great plausability- could be a
forgotten (just me who forgot it?) word of our German Low Saxon or been
brought by Dutch settlers or engineers engaged to build the dikes and
drainage systems (we had/have a lot of both of them, in the past and still

tille is a Frisian loan in Stellingwarfs. The word is "tille" in Frisian as
well, and has the same meaning (1, that is).
It is not related to Dutch tillen, but with Dutch (and Saxon) "deel" for
wooden floor, or attic.
The t/d gives it away as Frisian, as does the short i-vowel. The same word
is loaned into Dutch as "til" (in duiventil:
a "house" for pidgeons...)




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