LL-L "History" 2007.03.27 (02) [E]

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Tue Mar 27 14:57:57 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L - 27 March 2007 - Volume 02


From: Ronald Veenker <veenker at atmc.net>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.03.26 (04) [E]


The Hurrians left us many words when they learned to record their legal
transactions in Nuzi Akkadian (i.e., a kind of Middle Babylonian used
at the city Nuzi in NE Iraq, very near modern Kirkuk).  I have just
finished reading the "T" volume of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.  It
is filled with many Hurrian words which are cited without translation
other than "?"  I wish you luck in finding conclusive evidence of a
Sanskrit connection.  We surely haven't had any luck relating to
languages known in the vicinity of ancient Iraq.

Ron Veenker
Holden Beach NC


From: john welch <sjswelch at yahoo.com.au>
Subject: History [E]

Saxon "sars" may be a variety of "seaxe" sword. One suggestion is that  IE
skua "to cover, to skin, flay" is the origin. This is said to be in
"Skythia" cloud-dragon mother of Skythes, hence ON skye "clouds", skua
sea-bird (covering the sea?), skewer to pin down a skinned animal-hide, and
Skuathie giantess of Norse legend. This may be skandieren "to scan", and
The reach of Brahmin gods is seen in their Danu river-goddess , who is
DNieper river which produced Skythia viper-woman dragon ancestress.
_Herodotus 4.5,8. Diodorus 2.43. 5.24. Etymol. Mag.502.  Danu is DANUbe ,
the same echidna viper-dragon, mother of Keltos. She is Danaan mother of
gods of Ireland._J Koch. Advanced Welsh Studies,UWales.
It is possible that western Scythia diffused the prestigious Brahmin culture
without large migration. This would be a parallel with Vatican priests
promoting the faith to kings and chiefs based on Rome's prestige, without
military pressure. Tocharian bramn.kte means "Brahma god", and the Vedas
from the Himalayas were a coherent, dynamic explanation of world-governance.
The original IE people would have had a defining religion which travelled
with the dialects, and possibly Brahminism was a form of that after 1500 BC.
So perhaps Scythians were a secondary flow of earlier Saxon people.
The Norwegian embassy in Thailand had an exhibition of Norse dragon
stave-churches / Thai dragon-temples to show the near identical
architecture. The split-roof and central spire temple-shape occurs in
Ukraine, Mongolia, Nepal, Burma and Thailand.
Scythian chiefs had burials with a ring of strangled youths riding  dead
around the central  tomb-mound. This is not known in Germany (?) but the
Saxon king of Sutton Hoo 7th cent Britain, has a tomb-mound with executed
men buried in a ring around him. He has a dragon on helmet and shield, which
is consistent with the Scythian "skua" dragon.
John Welch.



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