
David Wright dcwright at PRODIGY.NET.MX
Wed Mar 15 16:33:19 UTC 2006

Fritz Schwaller wrote, in response to an inquiry regarding the name
>One author translates it as Man of Great Heart (Brundage)  which might be
poetic license
>On the surface, though, it would seem to be more Liver Man based on tlacatl
and elli, with reduplication of the -el- of liver.

Just yesterday I was showing my students how certain morphemes in náhuatl
function as adjectives, and I put Andrews' (2003: 396) examples of
"adjectival nominal nuclear clauses" on the board. He includes "-el", with
the meaning "diligent/eager/active", and I wondered to myself if this has
anything to do with Tlacaelel. Andrews' examples don't seem to support this.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
David Wright
Universidad de Guanajuato

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