Boston 2004, tutorial

Jeff Good jcgood+ at PITT.EDU
Wed Mar 10 00:48:37 UTC 2004

Hello everyone,

First an update on an organized session proposal: I contacted the LSA
Secretariat and, it turns out, we will _not_ need 500 word abstracts from
everyone (Heidi was correct in thinking "page" was not intended).

Instead, at this stage, we need a few page proposal with probable
participants and what they'd discuss. For September, we'll need a 500 word
abstract for the whole session plus 200 words (or fewer) from all
participants. Plus a form to fill out, which I haven't seen, but will be
faxed to me.

> think your program looks great. Should we call this tutorial something
> like Archiving and Language Documentation? It's very documentation-
> oriented. Is that catchy enough to attract people, or should we get the
> word 'digital' in there somewhere?

I have to admit I'm not good with titles. We could add "digital", but it
won't be just about digitization and I would want people to think it was.
If we want to be catchy, though, we could try something like:

Keeping your data from becoming endangered:
A tutorial on best practice in archiving

Thanks for your revised schedule Heidi. I'm now thinking there's a gap
which we might need to address (I'll think about this). We probably want
someone to talk about putting audio/video into archiving format. There are
two distinct issues here: how to record new things and what to do with old

I might try to get in touch with the Berkeley Language Center on this. I
hear they have a new grant for digitization of their audio. If anyone else
has any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.

Unless I hear objections in the next few days, I'll start contacting
possible participants to see if they're interested/willing.


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