LSA booth report

Heidi Johnson hjohnson at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Fri Jan 14 01:21:20 UTC 2005

Quoting Gary Simons <Gary_Simons at SIL.ORG>:
> Another thing to add to your notes on the booth (so that we can reference
> it next year when the question arises) is information on how many brochures
> to make.  I made 200 copies of the OLAC brochure. It looked like they were
> mostly gone by the end of the second day.  Were there any left at the end,
> or did they run out?  How many copies moved of other brochures?  What
> should we recommend next year for the number of brochures to print?
There were great stacks of brochures left for all of us, I'm afraid.
Doug Whalen took a bunch of them to give away at some event of his,
and I took the rest to give away at our various UT conferences this

I don't know how to predict how many to make. Maybe 100? I didn't
count AILLA's, but I'm pretty sure we didn't give away more than,
say, 20 of anything. But we should be optimistic about next year,
since more publicity of the demo/office hours schedule could mean
lots more traffic.

People who took brochures tended to take some of each; I didn't
get the sense that any one moved faster or more than any other.


Heidi Johnson, PhD
Project Manager
Archive of the Indigenous Languages
   of Latin America

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